At UNI-LUXX! Our Philosophy is to ensure that you wake up and feel the difference after a great night’s sleep. The two most basics of life are food & sleep as a substance of subsistence for sustenance. For over a decade now, we have established ourselves as an orthodox innovative modern Brand in the National & International sphere with our core cohesive approach for – Sound | Sleep | Solutions. Our in-house R&D and Technical Engineering Team continuously develop; revolutionize product design by working closely with consumers in clinical testing, evaluation to confirm the standard of distinction for our crafted products, not only limited to Mattress but to all our product line – PU, Latex, Memory, Footwear & Specialized Foam, ReBond, and Bedding division.
We have been accredited with the European Standard REACH Certificate of Compliance. A contributing factor in our ethos to be an environmentally responsible organization, we are also testing our first Carbon Neutral Mattress. 2020-21 have, of course, been unprecedented. With some major challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, we were operating 24/7 to produce thousands of medical mattresses to cater to the urgent need of the Covid-19 supply chain. Everything happens at our 2-site facility in the foothills of the Northern part of Bengal, where science and innovation offer an art solution.
Customer appraisal is the trophy we boast and the comforts shared with every single purchase enhancing every dose of sleep. Along the lines of product standard we have been accredited with the European Standard REACH certificate. Treading the path to meet every sleep requirement as opted.
– Lorem ipsum dolor, Italy 2020
– Adipiscing elit, France 2019
– Ut enim adni, Cape Town 2019
– Tempor incint ut, Rome 2019
– Labore et dolagna, Tokio 2018
– Lorem ipsum dolor, Italy 2020
– Adipiscing elit, France 2019
– Ut enim ad minni, Cape Town 2019
– Tempor incididunt ut, Rome 2019
– Labore et dolore magna, Tokio 2018